Wednesday, 8 January 2014

What a fun day we had!!!!

On 5 December, 2013, we were given our first Christmas party as children of the first Foundations Project preschool.  We arrived at 10am in our smart uniforms and we all sat down while Auntie Memory made a speech about our first year at preschool.  Some of our parents also made speeches, saying thank you to Auntie Charlotte and Mai Damu and to our teachers who work so hard to look after us and to provide us with the best early childhood development we could get. 

We watched as 12 of our colleagues got certificates as they have left our school and are going into grade 1 this year.  After this was the best part of the day when we each were given a plate of yummy treats including delicious cupcakes made for us by Jess Irvine. Jess joined us at our party and we also welcomed Caroline Kaschula, Jess Lovemore and Kristy Fennel who helped make it even more fun!  

We were each given a pair of shoes for us to wear to school this year and they look so smart!  Most of us got given shoes that are too big but that is ok because it means we will be able to wear them all year!

We ate all our treats and danced to music in our new shoes and we also had a clown organized for us by our teachers and parents who painted our faces and helped us to break open the pinata and eat all the sweeties!

We invited some of the other children from the community who don’t go to our school to join us for the day.  It was fun to include them in our games

Thank you so much to the people who donated money towards our shoes.  We are so grateful and love wearing them! We hope that next year you might join us at our party. 

Thank you to the following for our shoes:
James and Tania Perkins
Helga Kohler
Kath O’Neill
Louise Payne
Jo Fothergill
Natalie Demblon
Holly Hudson
Grace Hudson
Linda Hudson
Jackie Fingland
Nicky Slater
Jess Irvine
Jane Irvine
Shelagh Tozer
Gen Tozer
The Lorimers
Gemma Parvin
Sasha Ferreira
The Soles
Mim Haggie
Isabel Essery
Nick Birkby
Mea Lashbrooke
Niki de Quelen
Bryony Dobson
Lottie Wylde
Lynne Shelley
Meghan Magnussen
Julie Mercer

Here are some photos of our great celebration!
We were so blessed by donations that even children who arent at our school got given a pair of shoes

The clown made us all funny hats out of balloons

Beverly loves her shoes even though they are a bit big! 

Everyone was very proud of their presents

The clown explaining the piƱata

Everyone got a turn to try to break the paper

Brand new shoes were a great excitement in Mabvuku 

Yum, sweeties! 

The clown and the volunteers painted our faces with fun designs

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